Spinal Cord Injury

Damage to any section of the spinal cord or nerves towards the end of the spinal canal (cauda equina) can result in persistent changes in strength, sensation, and other bodily functions below the injury site.

​Those between the ages of 16-30 years of age are at a proportionally higher risk of experienceing a Spinal Cord Injury. Men also account for a disproportionate amount of Spinal Cord Injuries in most cases.


Specialised Staff


Dr Stephen Strange

Stephen is an expert in his field when it comes to CP. Through years of lived experience with participants, he delivers unrivalled care.

Sylvie Wakanda

Sylvie is one of two of our Support Workers specialising in CP. After attaining her Certificate IV in Disability, she went on to develop immaculate interpersonal skills to help her interact with particiapnts

Jane Smith

Jane has been with us since day one and is the backbone of our care system. Hosting all of our individual and group therapy sessions.


Locomotor Training is a treadmill programme that uses your own body weight to stimulate your neurological system.

It is a comprehensive rehabilitation programme created in the United States that focuses on posture, standing, and walking patterns. Three highly skilled therapists assist in the retraining of the nervous system by facilitating walking and standing activities with physical assistance.

We value your health and well-being so much that we've launched an online Telehealth service, powered by the GPNow platform, that allows our therapists to continue your therapy from the comfort of your own home.


Find Support Today

1800 512 281